sistem i plotë i mbyllur me prerje lazer me tavolinë të shkëmbyeshme

sistemet e prerjes me lazer

Karakteristikat e produkteve

The strong frame is completely welded, cast-aluminum cross girder; 600ºC high temperature annealing treatment and 12 meters large CNC gantry fine milling to ensure achieve long-term Wse without deforming. Equipped with the most advanced wireless handheld terminal, it can perform processing by remote control. Adopts imported Germany CNC system, high-performance AC servo motor and driver. It's a high-tech product integrated with advanced technology such as pneumatic, mechanic, photoelectric and CNC etc.

Materialet e zbatueshme

Mainly applied for all kinds of sheet metal materials non-contact fast cutting, engraving and drilling, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy, manganese steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, copper and metal pipe processing, etc.
Industria e zbatueshme

Widely used in all kinds of metal cutting industries such as metal working, kitchen and bathroom wares, advertising & signs, lighting & hardware, electrical cabinets, auto parts, machinery and equipment, appliance, precision parts, and so on.

Technical Table

Fuqia lazer500W-8000W (fakultative)500W-8000W (fakultative)
Zona e Punës3000 * 1500mm4000*2000mm/6000*2000mm
Konsumi total i energjisë10Kw<60KW10Kw<62Kw
Mënyra e transmetimitRack and Pinion, Dual DriveRack and Pinion, Dual Drive
Tensioni dhe frekuenca380V 50Hz (60Hz)380V 50Hz (60Hz)

Informacioni bazë

Teknologjia me lazer: Prerja e shkrirjes me lazer
Model No: GS-3015ce
Laser Source: Ipg Fiber Laser
Working Area: 3000*1500mm
Paketa e Transportit: Paketuar nga Kompensatë
Specification: CE, SGS
Origjina: Kina
Kodi HS: 8456100090